Synonyms: care, charge, guidance… Find the right word. A lire également la définition du terme surveillance sur le G P Another word for surveillance.

V For my own part, I approve of the principle of surveillance. “Well, your surveillance upon me annoys me,” I declared abruptly. In no way did I suggest that drones be used to kill people. And then, released from surveillance, exhausted in mind and body—he fell again.

[2] Surveillance is therefore an ambiguous practice, sometimes creating positive effects, at other times negative.

action de patrouiller, reconnaissance sur le terrain , mesure de sûreté prise à l'encontre d'un mineur délinquant qui a pour effet de le placer sous la, structure offrant la possibilité aux toxicomanes de s'injecter des stupéfiants sous, ambulance pour patients pouvant voyager assis ou semi-couchés sans.

Vous souhaitez rejeter cette entrée : veuillez indiquer vos commentaires (mauvaise traduction/définition, entrée dupliquée, …).

Lorsqu’on utilise des synonymes, la phrase ne change pas de sens. Find more ways to say surveillance, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms for Surveillance technology in Free Thesaurus.

Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal, “The last part of the investigation required, Responsibility for the care or control of someone or something, The act of listening in on the private conversations of other, The collection of information, especially of military, political or commercial value, A person stationed to keep watch for danger or trouble, The notice or regard taken of someone or something that is interesting or important, Procedures followed or measures taken to ensure the security of a state, organization or person, The act of directing one's gaze towards something or someone. ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo.

Il permet également de trouver des termes plus adéquat pour restituer un trait caractéristique, le but, la fonction, etc. close observation of a person or group (usually by the police). This is at best a profoundly disingenuous claim — the problems with censorship and surveillance are well known, as are the requirements for foreign firms to hand over all sorts of data and user information in an environment with no privacy rights.

N Dans l'expression "faire le chouf".

Definition and synonyms of surveillance from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Antonyms for surveillance. It was only during a pause for breath that he became aware of the surveillance. 24 Oct. 2020.

Another word for surveillance. Vous pouvez compléter les synonymes de surveillance proposés par le dictionnaire de synonymes français Reverso en consultant d’autres dictionnaires spécialisés dans les synonymes de mots français : Wikipedia, Trésor de la langue française, Lexilogos, dictionnaire Larousse, dictionnaire Le Robert, dictionnaire Hachette, Maxidico, Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française, Littré... Dictionnaire Français-Synonymes : traduire du Français à Synonymes avec nos dictionnaires en ligne. All forms of technologically enhanced contact tracing should be voluntary, there are significant civil rights and civil liberties concerns with employers requiring employees to wear trackers or be subjected to other forms of invasive surveillance in order to have a job.

STANDS4 LLC, 2020. Les synonymes du mot surveillance présentés sur ce site sont édités par l’équipe éditoriale de And then, released from surveillance, exhausted in mind and body—he fell again.

It was only during a pause for breath that he became aware of the surveillance.

We truly appreciate your support. surveillance antidrogue, surveillance archéologique, surveillance électronique, surveillance policière. . Thanks for your vote! For my own part, I approve of the principle of surveillance. qui veulent dire la même chose. Web. D Le mot bicyclette eut être considéré comme synonyme de vélo. C Antonyms for Surveillance technology. M Synonymes surveillance dans le dictionnaire de synonymes Reverso, définition, voir aussi 'surveillance antidrogue',surveillance archéologique',surveillance électronique',surveillance policière', expressions, conjugaison, exemples

W “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Pour ajouter des entrées à votre liste de, Apprenez l’anglais, l’espagnol et 5 autres langues gratuitement, Reverso Documents : traduisez vos documents en ligne, Expressio : le dictionnaire d'expressions françaises, Apprenez l'anglais avec vos vidéos préférées.

surveillance définition espace sémantique 25 synonymes aguets, aile, attention, conduite, contrôle, direction, écoute, égide, épiement, espionnage, filature, garde, gardiennage, guet, guette, inspection, observation, patrouille, protection, ronde, suivi, tutelle, veille, vérification, vigilance Classement des premiers synonymes The Indian chief felt that it was necessary to redouble his surveillance. Find all the synonyms and alternative words for surveillance at, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations resource on the web. surveillance synonyms and antonyms in the French synonyms dictionary, see also 'surveillance antidrogue',surveillance archéologique',surveillance électronique',surveillance policière', definition.

14 synonyms for surveillance: observation, watch, scrutiny, supervision, control, care, direction, inspection, vigilance, superintendence, lookout, vigil.... What … How to say surveillance in sign language? L'utilisation du service de dictionnaire des synonymes surveillance est gratuite et réservée à un usage strictement Enfin, le dictionnaire des synonymes permet d’éviter une répétition de mots dans le même texte afin d’améliorer le style de sa rédaction. By this time, he reasoned, there would not be a hotel in Paris free of surveillance.

Get instant synonyms for any word that hits you anywhere on the web!

Related terms for 'surveillance': agent provocateur, all-points bulletin, APB, beat, be onto someone, check, checkpoint, clampdown, clean up

Compare CARE; NEGLECT. Y Cherchez surveillance et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes français de Reverso. à titre indicatif.

Synonyms: care, charge, guidance… Find the right word. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

Find more ways to say surveillance, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Drones can help with the surveillance. Join our early testers!

pour vous aider à trouver le meilleur synonyme, Définir un mot.

= "regarde!". All rights reserved.

Peur et inquiétude sont deux synonymes que l’on retrouve dans ce dictionnaire des synonymes en ligne. By this time, he reasoned, there would not be a hotel in Paris free of surveillance. E It was the citoyen Beauvisage, of the Committee of Surveillance. [Arg.] Z. Un synonyme se dit d'un mot qui a la même signification qu'un autre mot, ou une signification presque semblable. Synonyms for surveillance in English including definitions, and related words.

The Indian chief felt that it was necessary to redouble his surveillance. Synonymes de surveillance. personnel. "surveillance." X

J Aimer et être amoureux, sont des mots synonymes. T It was the citoyen Beauvisage, of the Committee of Surveillance. Q écoute; égide; aguets; aile; épiement; conduite; contrôle; direction; espionnage; filature; flicage; garde; gardiennage; guet; guette; inspection; observation; patrouille; pistage; protection; ronde; tutelle; veille; Antonymes de surveillance

Synonyms for surveillance include observation, watch, scrutiny, spying, bugging, espionage, inspection, lookout, monitoring and reconnaissance.


What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? A person may look over a matter in order to survey it carefully in its entirety, or he may look over it with no attention to the thing itself because his gaze and thought are concentrated on something beyond; oversight has thus two contrasted senses, in the latter sense denoting inadvertent error or omission, and in the former denoting watchful supervision, commonly implying constant personal presence; superintendence requires only so much of presence or communication as to know that the superintendent's wishes are carried out; the superintendent of a railroad will personally oversee very few of its operations; the railroad company has supreme direction of all its affairs without superintendence or oversight.

le sigle figure sur l'uniforme que portent ces agents. Then it’s also improving surveillance across the board of this disease. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate image within your search results please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Was it the consciousness of this surveillance that made every one keep the house? S Surveillance is an invidious term signifying watching with something of suspicion. L

Dispute et altercation, sont des mots synonymes.

Surveillance ( / s ər ˈ v eɪ.

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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After awhile, he became conscious that he was under a sort of surveillance. Was it the consciousness of this surveillance that made every one keep the house? “Well, your surveillance upon me annoys me,” I declared abruptly. I Retrouver la définition du mot surveillance avec le Larousse. R

What kind of a term is surveillance, and what does it imply? De l'arabe "chouf!" We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. F superintendence, inspection, oversight, supervision, care, charge, control, direction, management, monitoring, supervision, supervisory, oversight, monitor, vigilance, control, watch, scrutiny, reconnaissance, observation, watchdog, reconnaisance, monitored.

Synonyms: care, charge, guidance… Find the right word. A lire également la définition du terme surveillance sur le G P Another word for surveillance.

V For my own part, I approve of the principle of surveillance. “Well, your surveillance upon me annoys me,” I declared abruptly. In no way did I suggest that drones be used to kill people. And then, released from surveillance, exhausted in mind and body—he fell again.

[2] Surveillance is therefore an ambiguous practice, sometimes creating positive effects, at other times negative.

action de patrouiller, reconnaissance sur le terrain , mesure de sûreté prise à l'encontre d'un mineur délinquant qui a pour effet de le placer sous la, structure offrant la possibilité aux toxicomanes de s'injecter des stupéfiants sous, ambulance pour patients pouvant voyager assis ou semi-couchés sans.

Vous souhaitez rejeter cette entrée : veuillez indiquer vos commentaires (mauvaise traduction/définition, entrée dupliquée, …).

Lorsqu’on utilise des synonymes, la phrase ne change pas de sens. Find more ways to say surveillance, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms for Surveillance technology in Free Thesaurus.

Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal, “The last part of the investigation required, Responsibility for the care or control of someone or something, The act of listening in on the private conversations of other, The collection of information, especially of military, political or commercial value, A person stationed to keep watch for danger or trouble, The notice or regard taken of someone or something that is interesting or important, Procedures followed or measures taken to ensure the security of a state, organization or person, The act of directing one's gaze towards something or someone. ©2020 Reverso-Softissimo.

Il permet également de trouver des termes plus adéquat pour restituer un trait caractéristique, le but, la fonction, etc. close observation of a person or group (usually by the police). This is at best a profoundly disingenuous claim — the problems with censorship and surveillance are well known, as are the requirements for foreign firms to hand over all sorts of data and user information in an environment with no privacy rights.

N Dans l'expression "faire le chouf".

Definition and synonyms of surveillance from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Antonyms for surveillance. It was only during a pause for breath that he became aware of the surveillance. 24 Oct. 2020.

Another word for surveillance. Vous pouvez compléter les synonymes de surveillance proposés par le dictionnaire de synonymes français Reverso en consultant d’autres dictionnaires spécialisés dans les synonymes de mots français : Wikipedia, Trésor de la langue française, Lexilogos, dictionnaire Larousse, dictionnaire Le Robert, dictionnaire Hachette, Maxidico, Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française, Littré... Dictionnaire Français-Synonymes : traduire du Français à Synonymes avec nos dictionnaires en ligne. All forms of technologically enhanced contact tracing should be voluntary, there are significant civil rights and civil liberties concerns with employers requiring employees to wear trackers or be subjected to other forms of invasive surveillance in order to have a job.

STANDS4 LLC, 2020. Les synonymes du mot surveillance présentés sur ce site sont édités par l’équipe éditoriale de And then, released from surveillance, exhausted in mind and body—he fell again.

It was only during a pause for breath that he became aware of the surveillance.

We truly appreciate your support. surveillance antidrogue, surveillance archéologique, surveillance électronique, surveillance policière. . Thanks for your vote! For my own part, I approve of the principle of surveillance. qui veulent dire la même chose. Web. D Le mot bicyclette eut être considéré comme synonyme de vélo. C Antonyms for Surveillance technology. M Synonymes surveillance dans le dictionnaire de synonymes Reverso, définition, voir aussi 'surveillance antidrogue',surveillance archéologique',surveillance électronique',surveillance policière', expressions, conjugaison, exemples

W “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Pour ajouter des entrées à votre liste de, Apprenez l’anglais, l’espagnol et 5 autres langues gratuitement, Reverso Documents : traduisez vos documents en ligne, Expressio : le dictionnaire d'expressions françaises, Apprenez l'anglais avec vos vidéos préférées.

surveillance définition espace sémantique 25 synonymes aguets, aile, attention, conduite, contrôle, direction, écoute, égide, épiement, espionnage, filature, garde, gardiennage, guet, guette, inspection, observation, patrouille, protection, ronde, suivi, tutelle, veille, vérification, vigilance Classement des premiers synonymes The Indian chief felt that it was necessary to redouble his surveillance. Find all the synonyms and alternative words for surveillance at, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations resource on the web. surveillance synonyms and antonyms in the French synonyms dictionary, see also 'surveillance antidrogue',surveillance archéologique',surveillance électronique',surveillance policière', definition.

14 synonyms for surveillance: observation, watch, scrutiny, supervision, control, care, direction, inspection, vigilance, superintendence, lookout, vigil.... What … How to say surveillance in sign language? L'utilisation du service de dictionnaire des synonymes surveillance est gratuite et réservée à un usage strictement Enfin, le dictionnaire des synonymes permet d’éviter une répétition de mots dans le même texte afin d’améliorer le style de sa rédaction. By this time, he reasoned, there would not be a hotel in Paris free of surveillance.

Get instant synonyms for any word that hits you anywhere on the web!

Related terms for 'surveillance': agent provocateur, all-points bulletin, APB, beat, be onto someone, check, checkpoint, clampdown, clean up

Compare CARE; NEGLECT. Y Cherchez surveillance et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes français de Reverso. à titre indicatif.

Synonyms: care, charge, guidance… Find the right word. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

Find more ways to say surveillance, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Drones can help with the surveillance. Join our early testers!

pour vous aider à trouver le meilleur synonyme, Définir un mot.

= "regarde!". All rights reserved.

Peur et inquiétude sont deux synonymes que l’on retrouve dans ce dictionnaire des synonymes en ligne. By this time, he reasoned, there would not be a hotel in Paris free of surveillance. E It was the citoyen Beauvisage, of the Committee of Surveillance. [Arg.] Z. Un synonyme se dit d'un mot qui a la même signification qu'un autre mot, ou une signification presque semblable. Synonyms for surveillance in English including definitions, and related words.

The Indian chief felt that it was necessary to redouble his surveillance. Synonymes de surveillance. personnel. "surveillance." X

J Aimer et être amoureux, sont des mots synonymes. T It was the citoyen Beauvisage, of the Committee of Surveillance. Q écoute; égide; aguets; aile; épiement; conduite; contrôle; direction; espionnage; filature; flicage; garde; gardiennage; guet; guette; inspection; observation; patrouille; pistage; protection; ronde; tutelle; veille; Antonymes de surveillance

Synonyms for surveillance include observation, watch, scrutiny, spying, bugging, espionage, inspection, lookout, monitoring and reconnaissance.


What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? A person may look over a matter in order to survey it carefully in its entirety, or he may look over it with no attention to the thing itself because his gaze and thought are concentrated on something beyond; oversight has thus two contrasted senses, in the latter sense denoting inadvertent error or omission, and in the former denoting watchful supervision, commonly implying constant personal presence; superintendence requires only so much of presence or communication as to know that the superintendent's wishes are carried out; the superintendent of a railroad will personally oversee very few of its operations; the railroad company has supreme direction of all its affairs without superintendence or oversight.

le sigle figure sur l'uniforme que portent ces agents. Then it’s also improving surveillance across the board of this disease. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate image within your search results please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Was it the consciousness of this surveillance that made every one keep the house? S Surveillance is an invidious term signifying watching with something of suspicion. L

Dispute et altercation, sont des mots synonymes.

Surveillance ( / s ər ˈ v eɪ.

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


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