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These thoughts are all made-up. It is validated and undergirded by a spectrum of temporal and spiritual beliefs. 1996). I personally believed some version of most of these ideas at some point in the past, so I know how attractive they can be. In other words: You are an inextricable portion of the reality-process that may or may not have begun with the Big Bang. It feels great to think you’re in on some precious secret and more enlightened than all the “sheeple” who can’t see the truth. Let’s not commit the Nirvana fallacy and judge our actual world by comparing it to an idealized fantasy of a non-existent utopia. Suddenly, an obviously deranged person leaps out of a bush wielding a knife. This leads to drifting through life, expecting other people to clean up your messes, contributing nothing except spiritual clichés mouthed at unwanted times.”. We can only excperience life via our counsciousness and our thoughts. Meditation is a tool for self-awareness and self-liberation that has been used for thousands of years. Businesses are often so narrowly focused on their local sphere of influence that they forget that by having a network connected to the Internet, they are now connected to the rest of the world. I don’t think the statement says you are the universe either, but rather, there’s an illusion of reality that hides the realisation of you being part of the universe, and the universe part of you. You’re just sitting quietly, focusing on your breathing, and returning your attention to your breath when you get distracted. If a piece of malware identified on the other side of the globe targets the identical software used in your organization, you can be sure that you will eventually be impacted by this malware. All Photos | A growing community for starseeds, lightworkers, Terrans And Extraterrestrials. Choose from up to 5 unique, high quality paper types to meet your creative or business needs. But because our minds crave security and certainty, it’s easy to swing from one form of Gospel to another. Take a look at people like Robert Anton Wilson, Carl Sagan, Sam Harris, Albert Einstein, and Terence McKenna—all deeply skeptical, scientifically minded, and deeply spiritual in some sense. This myth is probably circulated more outside the spiritual community than within it, but it’s really worth mentioning here. This conflict sucks. We can assert with near certainty that nothing short of violence could have deterred them from this mission. Religion: At its core, religion is about faith. I also realize that spirituality has a dark side. If, indeed, we are looking for a shift in the ecodevelopmental paradigm, we need to view ecology, economics, and ethics as parts of an interconnected viewpoint; building upon TEK is one of the powerful tools that we have to take us in that direction. Even though I believe there is merit in what Huxley and Campbell were saying about the perennial philosophy, I think their espousal of this viewpoint had unintended and pernicious consequences. Moyers, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. Come on! In World War II, Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were hell-bent on world domination and unprecedented genocide. However, some people take this position too far, adopting absolute pacifism and asserting that violence is never justified. This view was expounded especially eloquently by the late Alan Watts: Such statements place Watts in a camp similar to that of Carl Sagan, who posited that we are “a way for the cosmos to know itself.” But others take a more extreme view, holding that you simply are the entire universe, and your individual existence is something to be regarded as a persistent delusion. If one looks only at the popular culture surrounding meditation, one would never guess that the practice can (and eventually probably should) take you to the darkest internal spaces you’ve ever visited. While mental health providers are less likely to report that religious beliefs are a major influence on their lives, 77 percent of them do claim to try to live their lives according to religious beliefs, which closely mirrors the general population (Bergin and Jensen 1990, p. 5). L.A. Obiora, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001. I’m all for comparative mythology and its profound unifying lessons, but in order to understand religions and guide them in a wise direction, we need to observe how they function in the real world, and we need to be honest about their similarities and differences. The aim here is not to shit on spirituality. As you realize everything is totally connected, you develop the ability to affect anything you want. As such, I wouldn’t be so fast on calling it bullshit. Love yourself enough to attempt to find moments of transcendent emotions daily. And let’s not forget about the non-material inventions most of us reading this enjoy and benefit from: freedom of speech, basic human rights, freedom of artistic expression, equality of opportunity, civil liberties, the right to a fair trial, etc. Nobody can unequivocally identify where, when, or why excision originated. Another risk assessment tool that might prove helpful is the Risk Management Framework developed by Educause/Internet 2.19 Targeted at institutions of higher learning, the approach could be applied to other industries. Non-judgmentally observing our minds, without assigning fixed meanings to anything, creates the space we need to see ourselves clearly. harvested from the wild; (b) ecologic/social—manipulation of biodiversity for coping with uncertainties in the environment and global change, for controlling soil water regimes and hydrology, soil fertility management through soil biological processes, and for efficient organic residue management; (c) ethical—cultural, spiritual, and religious belief systems centered around the concept of the sacred species, sacred groves, and the sacred landscapes. That’s your opinion, as you perfectly illustrated exactly what is wrong with the spiritual community today–too many people follow along blindingly without asking questions, just like with religion. Red pills are everywhere, not just in the spirituality memespace. Businesses belonging to particular industries are targeted more frequently and more aggressively than those in other industries. Can I offer you an exiting new perspective? However, like any great metaphor, I believe it’s just that – a metaphor that hints towards something deeper, shared by all.

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