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It was his only refuge ever since his co-partisans had been killed or exiled from town and he had been converted into a man with no other occupation than waiting for the mail every Friday. Мъжете хукнаха към съседните къщи — с едната ръка на шапката, с кърпа в другата, пазейки се от вятъра и от прахта. "Where I know that I must die,”, “إن شعرت يوما أني مريض، فسوف أرمي بنفسي في صندوق القمامة، ولن أمكن أحدا من العبث بي”, “La vida no es sino una continua sucesión de oportunidades para sobrevivir”, “Şapka giymiyorum, böylece onu kimse için çıkarmam gerekmiyor.”. No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories Quotes, “The only thing that comes for sure is death, colonel”, “The worst of a bad situation is that it makes us tell lies.”, “Зимата връхлетя върху ни една неделя, когато излизахме от църква. Някой до мене рече: „На вода мирише този вятър“. (No One Writes to the Colonel, Part 2) Importance: In this paragraph, the story drops its first real hint that the colonel and his dead son were both involved in acts of rebellion against the government. Quotes By Gabriel García Márquez. Error rating book. Още като излизахме от къщи, усетих някаква влага в корема си и даже потръпнах цялата. -- The Doctor Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. А пък аз го знаех отпреди. No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories from, Order our No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories Study Guide, teaching or studying No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories. The colonel went to the tailor shop to take the clandestine letter to Agustin's companions. — Петухи портятся, если их долго разглядывать.”. No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories Quotes Showing 1-17 of 17 “The only thing that comes for sure is death, colonel” ― Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez, No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories Su manera de hablar recordaba el zumbido del ventilador eléctrico. Но дори в неделя сутринта никой не мислеше, че може да завали. She obeyed. След литургията ние, жените, още не бяхме успели да отворим чадърите си за слънце, когато задуха един гъст, мрачен вятър, завъртя се в широк кръг и помете праха и сухите корави листа на май. Тогава заваля. “В начале восьмого на башне зазвонили колокола киноцензуры. “اگر منتظر چیزهای بزرگ باشیم راحت تر می توانیم منتظر چیزهای کوچکتر بمانیم.”, No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories, No One Writes to the Colonel: and Other Stories. В събота през нощта беше задушно. It also establishes the colonel's routine, increasingly significant as the narrative progresses, of checking his mail every Friday. Importance: In this quote, the doctor - who seems to be equal parts cynic and realist - defines a key aspect of the situation in the country... Get No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories from Amazon.com. -- Narration (No One Writes to the Colonel, Part 1) Отец Анхель, получавший по почте аннотированный указатель, пользовался колоколами, чтобы оповещать паству о нравственном уровне фильмов. -- Narration (No One Writes to the Colonel, Part 1) Importance: In this paragraph, the story drops its first real hint that the colonel and his dead son were both involved in acts of rebellion against the government. The little money the colonel and his wife do have comes from selling their dead son's sewing machine. It also establishes the colonel's routine, increasingly significant as the narrative progresses, of checking his mail every Friday. Welcome back. Refresh and try again. "They don't understand the problem. everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of No One Writes to the Colonel and Other Stories. “«Todo el mundo dice que la muerte es una mujer», siguió diciendo la mujer. Cerró el armario y se volvió a consultar la mirada del coronel: “— Хватит смотреть, — сказал полковник. И небето се превърна в пихтиеста сива маса, която разля една четвърт от главите ни.”, “Life is the best thing that's ever been invented.”, “وفكر أن هذه المناسبة تقتضي إلقاء موعظة تبين قدرة الشيطان على التسرب إلى قلب الإنسان عن طريق حواسه الخمس”, “The only thing that comes for sure is death.”, “Into your hands at last I have come vanquished." (“No One Writes to the Colonel”, Page 18) Just as the colonel continues to wait for his pension despite all evidence that it will never arrive, the colonel chooses to wait for the rooster to pay off instead of selling it for cash in hand. To the Europeans, South America is a man with a mustache, a guitar, and a gun," the doctor said, laughing over his newspaper. This Study Guide consists of approximately 55 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - Жена полковника насчитала двенадцать ударов. «Pero a mí no me parece que sea una mujer», dijo. Era corpulenta, más alta que su marido, y con una verruga pilosa en el labio superior. All Quotes

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