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“I felt a bit like goldilocks looking at the chairs and wanting to touch each of them and wanting to sit in each of them.”, Campbell jokes: “I felt like I was sitting there with daddy bear and mummy bear and my sibling bears. It taught me a lesson: if you do not understand it, do not invest in it. Deborah Meaden joined her family business – Weststar Holidays, and eventually became Managing Director. We do not write articles to promote products. “I saw there were two Dragons exiting, so there was a conversation I had with the BBC around whether or not I could come for a screen test. It is really embarrassing how much I spend on them each year: many thousands of pounds. READ MORE: Deborah Meaden net worth: Dragons' Den star’s fortune revealed Sara Davies has a reported fotune of £11 million (Image: BBC) However, she found alternative ways to grow her … She’s invested in the most ventures and is said to have a fortune of £40 million. “What I will say is, it’s common knowledge that I sold the business for £50 million,” she laughs. 'Yes, there’ll be a dominant one, but that doesn’t mean he won’t co-habit.’ There are also blue tits, house sparrows and goldfinches a-plenty. She moved back to the county in 1996 with her husband Paul to a Georgian house at the foot of the Quantock Hills then bought the farmhouse ten years later. Series 13 also saw Deborah Meaden offer £35,000 to Cath Harrop, in exchange for 25 per cent of Mum2Mum Market, which helps parents sell used children’s clothes. ‘There are sparrowhawks, which everyone but me hates. I had enough to exist but I wanted more so I could go out with my mates and have a social life as well. I studied during the day and took on bar jobs at night. They’re so tiny, I marvel that they survive the winter.’. Ten years after taking on an ailing business, she sold the company in October 2016 for £50m. Meaden also ran up a credit card debt equivalent to £20,000 in today’s money when she was a teenager, and lost £500,000 on a bad investment during the financial crisis of 2008. ‘I was born there and have lived there most of my life.’. Deborah Meaden has a net worth of £60 million English Pounds through various business sales and investments. It was 2006, when I sold Weststar Holidays for £33 million. ‘We have robins that share this land. I’ve seen birds of all species fly into a lime tree to flush a sparrowhawk out and away.’, Besides Peter Jones (right), Deborah (centre) is the longest-serving member of the Dragons’ Den panel. “I’m very focused on the people side of any business,” she says. We were inundated with lime hawk-moths a couple of years ago.’. Do you think it is important to give to charity? We didn’t have any squirrels until the trees took serious root a couple of years ago. 'We leave our grass long in the winter because it’s also home to mice and moles – I call them grasslings – and it provides a little protection for them at a more challenging time of the year.’. 'We didn’t have any squirrels until the trees took serious root a couple of years ago. I say it how it is, I’m firm but fair.”. What is the biggest money mistake you have ever made? Deborah Meaden total invested in the Dragons’ Den is over: £3,746,000. And, of course, herons, the enemy of the fish. It’s survival of the fittest.’. After I sold Weststar, my husband and I bought a beautiful farmhouse in Somerset that needed an awful lot of work. Deborah Meaden, 59, is a businesswoman and star of Dragons' Den. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. It’s not uncommon to find a decapitated pigeon, its head bitten off by a hawk. But my sons will tell you that I’m priceless…”, The Den is ready for the start of filming @DeborahMeaden @dragonjones @toukersuleyman @jennybcampbell @TejLalvani #dragonsden, — BBC Dragons' Den (@BBCDragonsDen) April 27, 2017. ‘We planted scores of trees – mature lime and oak, birch, hazel and plane. Deborah Meaden on her Dragons’ Den future: “One day I will definitely, definitely have to leave” Meet the new Dragons! And the rest is history.”, “When I first saw the empty set before our training day, it was quite surreal,” she says. I do not want my money to influence the person I am. 'Mine is a very pragmatic approach and in a way I’m being selfish. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group. Having bought out the business, Campbell re-launched it as YourCash Europe Ltd – and over the next decade took it from “a very unprofitable and unsustainable business” losing £7 million a year to a “very healthy” business making £7 million. That helps us fund This Is Money, and keep it free to use. The Meadens didn’t move into their new home for 18 months while the agricultural buildings were dismantled and an electrical substation with its overhead wires was buried. I ran up a £3,000 debt – the equivalent of nearly £20,000 today. “The inference being, you won’t get as much time from certain other busy dragons! I never feel more alive than when I am lucky enough to be able to make a difference. You can unsubscribe at any time. ‘Go out after dark, shine a torch and you’ll catch a couple of eyes staring back at you. Is Europe next stop for towering profits? ‘Somerset is in my DNA,’ says Deborah, 61. Yes, for philanthropic reasons but also, somehow, for selfish reasons. I will also treat my six horses to £60 McTimoney massages every two months to make sure they are in shape. We went for a drive and that’s when we saw this place. Deborah Meaden is a British Entrepreneur from England, United Kingdom. As for robins, Deborah says it’s a myth that there’s only one per garden. Life-size bronze sculptures of our cat and two Hungarian Vizsla dogs for about £30,000, by artist Tanya Brett. Ready for the lift doors open!”, “I’m not backward in coming forward,” she says. Which they take umbrage to occasionally when I say that. There’s a former racehorse called Just Bert, plus Jet who used to be her riding horse and their stablemates William, Fred and Wells. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought yourself just for fun? They do their darnedest to get out of your way before you tread on them. ‘As a little girl, running in the long grass, I remember my mother shouting, “Watch out for adders.” They’re beautiful but terribly shy. The fox has to live. But that’s my selling line.”. I did not splash out, though. “I just wanted to get to work,” she explains. They don’t cause us any problems, but we’re fortunate to have enough space that they build their setts away from the house.’. I do not know anybody in their right mind who would have spent the money on it we have – far more than we will ever get back. My first paid job was leading pony rides along Minehead seafront when I was eight. “I was one of a number of shareholders in that, as well as we had to pay the mortgage off, so anythin from nought to 50! I also own some development land. If she was Chancellor of the Exchequer, she would put more funding into understanding how we can protect our country from looming environmental catastrophes. As she settles in to her chair in the Den alongside fellow newcomer Tej Lalvani and established Dragons Deborah Meaden, Peter Jones and Touker Suleyman, Campbell tells how she got there – and what she’s looking for in a business partner. But Deborah Meaden’s most gratifying investment has been the rewilding of her Somerset home, a former farmhouse surrounded by 26 acres, once owned by 18th-century prime minister William Pitt the Elder. Deborah Meaden, the multi-millionaire Dragons’ Den investor, was so poor as a child she says her mother went without food so she would have enough to eat. Thanks! “I don’t think this is a one series commitment on either side,” she says. Campbell studied hard for her banking qualifications and progressing up the ranks, soon becoming a top banker. Put your question to our team of independent experts. Meaden also ran up a credit card debt equivalent to £20,000 in today’s money when she was a teenager, and lost £500,000 on a bad investment during the financial crisis of 2008. Sometimes I’ll get a text from him if I’m indoors saying, “Quick, come here. The least we can do is provide a sympathetic habitat so they can flourish. She has a huge soft spot for animals, spending thousands of pounds a year on her rescued racehorses and splashing out on £30,000 life-size bronze sculptures of her pets just for fun. Three years ago, the Meadens took the advice of a local and stopped having their hedgerows cut back at the end of summer. Surrounded by abundant wildlife, Deborah doesn’t usually have a favourite. ‘Just when the berries started coming out, when the deer and the mice start fattening themselves up for winter, we’d had it all cut away. You’ll never guess what I’m looking at.”, 'We’re sharing the planet with all these creatures and we all need to understand that a little better.’. What is the one little luxury you like to treat yourself to? “So that’s what I look for first and foremost. Our best wishes for a productive day. We found ourselves living in a beautiful, rural area near the Somerset Levels. What was the best year of your life, in terms of the money you made? ‘When you look out now, you don’t see electric pylons. If you were Chancellor of the Exchequer, what is the first thing you would do? Most of my horses are rescued –they have come out of racing or have had something wrong with them. Because there’s quite a bit of water around, the property attracts frogs and toads plus slow worms and grass snakes. Our intention was to let it all live and breathe naturally.’, Deborah was born and raised in Somerset and moved back to the county in 1996 with her husband Paul. 'Can you imagine if we didn’t have bees how much it would cost us to pollinate flowers? What is your number one financial priority? “I’ve always been a fan,” she says. Typically, Deborah has forthright views on badger culls. Pictured tending to the garden of her farmhouse. Deborah Meaden is the perfect example of women coming out on top. No comments have so far been submitted. It is an historically interesting building which used to belong to William Pitt the Elder. How much pocket money did you get as a child? The ex-banker and businesswoman got straight in touch with the BBC and is now preparing to make her debut in series 15. ‘I’m not a fan. We’ve always had stoats, but funnily enough I’ve never seen a hedgehog or a weasel.’. Both my parents were entrepreneurs and built a nice leisure business. Get four VASO premium glass straws for just £9.99! Published: 18:03 EDT, 8 April 2017 | Updated: 14:49 EDT, 9 April 2017. Paul has a device on his phone that listens to the sound of the bat then identifies the species. We hear them all the time. The management of the land when the farm was fully operational had forced the wildlife to the very edges of it. Isn’t that what they say? News, photos, videos and full episode guide, Who is Dragons’ Den newcomer Jenny Campbell? I get tension in my shoulders thanks to all the travelling I do, so I have weekly £50 massages at my home. ‘We’ve also got tawny owls, little owls, two barn owls and kestrels, all a good indicator that there are plenty of small creatures to be hunted, voles and mice and so on. Roe deer regularly cross their land. Baillie Gifford's LEE QIAN tells This is Money why it can, 'Pub charged my wife for a cooked breakfast because I gave her a piece of bacon!' or debate this issue live on our message boards. She’s invested in the most ventures and is said to have a fortune of £40 million. But after 30 years, that changed. Do you pay off your credit cards in full? I don’t have a business empire to manage any more, which means that you get my time and energy and commitment. My parents felt I should earn my money because I would then value it. 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